Quinoa is an ancient grain which originally came from South America. It is higher in protein than other grains and contains all of the 9 essential amino acids (amino acids which are required from our diet because our body can't make them). The grains have a light nutty flavor on their own, are small, bead shaped, and come in a variety of colors- white, red, brown, yellow, black, and even pink. You can use quinoa by substituting it for rice, adding it to salads, stuffings and pilafs. It can be eaten hot or cold and is cooked in boiling water, similar to how rice is cooked. A key step is to rinse it thoroughly before cooking to remove the bitter tasting saponins naturally found in quinoa. For more information about how to cook quinoa, see the information sources listed below.
Adding this gluten free grain to your lunches and dinners will help you pack healthy protein and fiber into your day! So why not go to your supermarket's bulk section and give it a try?
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