Monday, May 2, 2011

HealthTip: Why Sleep?

In today's world of high expectations, lists of tasks to complete by the end of the day, and staying up late to finish what's expected of you, sleep tends to get pushed to the side and suffer. Here are a few reasons why you may want to reconsider your priorities and make sure you get enough sleep each night!
British researchers have recently suggested that sleeping less than 6 hours, or more than 8 hours each night is associated with a decline in brain function. The mental decline observed was the equivalent of brain function being 4-7 years older. Women who slept 7 hours each night showed the highest scores on cognitive (brain) function tests, following those who slept 6 hours/ night. Cognitive function was similar in men who reported sleeping 6, 7, or 8 hours/ night. Additionally, many who get regular sleep of more or less hours can still function well. However, those with less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours of sleep showed the lowest scores on cognitive function tests in the study.
Getting enough sleep assists many brain functions. It helps the brain and body recover from daily activities, is restorative, and helps us concentrate and process new information better and faster. In addition, the researchers suggest that chronic short sleep produces hormones and chemicals in the body which increase the risk of developing heart disease and strokes, and other conditions like high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes and obesity. When we think of a healthy lifestyle, we commonly consider a balanced diet and exercise. Sleep is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle and healthy aging, so don't forget to factor that into part of the equation!

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