Tuesday, April 19, 2011

HealthTip: The Protein You Need

We all need 1-3 servings of protein each day depending on our age, weight, physical activity levels, and overall health status. See Canada's Food Guide for details about servings (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/basics-base/quantit-eng.php).
Meats and alternatives provide our bodies with protein, fat, iron, zinc, and B vitamins. These nutrients are required for cell maintenance and repair, energy, help prevent anemia and infection, and promote proper growth. Lean options can help limit intake of cholesterol and saturated fats, which may play a role in heart disease. Healthier proteins include:
  • Poultry without the skin
  • Lean meats including inside round roast, outside round roast, eye of round steak or roast, strip loin steak, sirloin steak, rump roast, and lean and extra lean ground meat or ground poultry
  • Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids e.g. char, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout
  • Eggs
  • Legumes such as bean, peas, and lentils
  • Tofu
  • Low-fat cheese, yogurt, and dairy
  • Roasted nuts and seeds
Other ways to get some healthy protein into your meals includes adding meat alternatives such as beans, tofu, and lentils into soups, stews, salads, and as a side-dish; trying to have 2 servings of fish each week, this can be at lunch or dinner; and trying low fat and low salt options for deli meats, or simply preparing lean meat at home and slicing them (e.g. bake a few chicken breasts, slice, and refrigerate for use in sandwiches, salads, soups..etc).
Hopefully these tips will help you find creative ways to add some variety to your protein choices and promote heart health by limiting your sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol intake!

Information Sources:

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